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浏览次数:3252次 更新时间:2017-02-13 14:45:02
Restaurant design is divided into different style, different style restaurant design gives the impression and experience is not the same, Xiao Bian today is the design theme of the restaurant to introduce the content, interested friends can look together!
1、以地域民俗民风为主题餐厅设计 现在根据民俗民风进行主题装饰设计的餐饮设计的饮食场所较多。在我国广大的地域空间内,北方有以土炕、土墙、狗皮帽子为主题装饰的东北农村风格的饮食空间设计,南方有以椰子、海洋等为主题的热带风情设计,西边有以黄玉米,大辣椒等为主题装饰元素设计,东边有老上海风情元素设计。以地域民俗民风为主题的空间设计把凸现在人们记忆中、烙印在人们性格里的厚重文化通过装饰设计,用现代手法追忆了过去的美好时光。
1, with the regional folk customs as the theme restaurant design according to the customs of eating places now more decorative design of the theme restaurant design. In China's vast geographical space, a space designed to eating dog skin hat for wall, Tukang, northeast rural theme decoration style of the north, the south tropical design with coconut and ocean theme, to the west of yellow corn, chili as the theme of decorative element design, east of old Shanghai style design elements. Space design with local folk customs as the theme of the cultural memory, convex now people in people of character through the decoration design, with modern means of recalling the past good times.
2、以田园农舍为主题的餐厅设计 当代人们的生活压力越来越大,当代人居生活环境渴望回归自然是一种时代潮流,以田园农舍为主题进行设计的酒楼饭店受到欢迎。比如在空间外观进行植物装饰,大厅内萦绕弯曲的小水道,楼顶灯具设计成玉米图案,墙上陈列草帽、马灯等物品,窗棂敞开,微风吹过,给人一种田野的味道。设计师将天然的木、竹、藤、麻作为设计主材,配合禄科木、压模混凝土等现代科技的产物,两者结合恰到好处。有别于一般性临景建筑会带来的房景分离问题,常规的手法只是借景,或是对话。而该案最终完成后,做到了景中有房,房中有景,房中有房,景中有景的融合。更加突出了生态餐厅以自然为主题的特色。
The pressure of life more and contemporary people Restaurant Design 2, to the rural farmhouse as the theme of the more contemporary living environment, eager to return to nature is a trend of the times, with the theme of the design of the rural farmhouse restaurant welcome. Such as decorative plants in space appearance, the hall around curved small waterways, roof lighting design pattern into the corn, straw hat, lantern and other items on the wall display, window open, gentle breeze, give people a taste of the field. Designers will be natural wood, bamboo, rattan, hemp as design materials, products with Paul wooden stamper, concrete and other modern technology, both just perfect. Different from the general nature of the building will be brought about by the king of the separation of the scene, the conventional approach is only borrowed, or dialogue. And after the completion of the case, so that the king of the room, the room has a king, the room has a room, the king of the king of fusion. More prominent ecological restaurant with the theme of nature.
3、以历史文化为主题的餐厅设计 由于餐馆酒楼的设计定位与企业的经营联系紧密,餐厅设计必须有一个完整的主题,才能够迅速而准确地抓住各个设计对象不同的文化诉求。设计可以帮助设计师找到它们各自不同的主题,强化空间设计的主题性和文化性。对传统文化在现代餐饮空间设计中的演绎作了全新的、大胆的探讨,打破常规摒弃传统文化中的单调陈旧古老的装饰手法,以抽象简洁的造型和丰富的主题含义。美食与美学交相辉映,经由极具感染力的色彩组合引起强烈的视觉冲击与心理共鸣。
3, to history and culture as the theme of the restaurant design due to the design of positioning and restaurant business closely, restaurant design must have a complete theme, can quickly and accurately grasp the cultural demands of various design different objects. Design can help designers to find their own different themes, and strengthen the theme and culture of space design. Discusses the new and bold interpretation of the traditional culture in the modern catering space design, abandoning the traditional culture in the monotonous and break the normal procedure of old ancient decoration, with abstract and simple shapes and rich topic meaning. Delicacy and aesthetics through each other, infectious color combination caused by visual impact and strong psychological resonance.
4、以寻古怀旧为主题的餐厅设计 怀旧寻古是餐饮空间设计中经常运用的主题,对浓郁的历史文化特色进行挖掘整理,再现历史风韵,赋予饮食空间极强的生命力、感染力。以个性的格调突破了室内空间的因循守旧,青灰色石板铺设的地面,拾阶而上后便是蜿蜒的廊道。粗藤细竹编制的桌椅,浅色的天然材质,巨大的古树与绿荫,原石垒出的溪流接近苏南郊野的乡村风光,环境营造出气定神清与豁然开朗的感受,古式宫灯不仅精美异常,灯光更添不少雅趣。
4, in order to find the ancient nostalgia themed restaurant design is often used to find ancient nostalgic dining space design theme, the rich historical and cultural characteristics to excavate historical charm, the diet space extremely strong vitality and appeal. The character of the style breaks through the interior space of the old, grey stone laying on the ground, and pick up order is that after the winding corridor. The crude preparation of bamboo rattan furniture, light and shade trees, natural materials, huge stone base, the stream close to the suburb of South of Jiangsu rural scenery, the environment and the air dingshen clear click into place feeling, not only beautiful antique lanterns add a lot of elegance, light.
5、以文艺作品为主题的餐厅设计 据岩屿空间设计公司调查,现在越来越多的餐饮经营者意识到高品位、高层次的文化底蕴是企业立足的基础。因此,餐饮业逐渐建立了“文化兴店”的经营理念。如许多酒楼、饭店以文学名着为蓝本,布置了许多文学名着背景装饰。大厅以旧色为基调,铺上古代地砖,木质的餐桌椅,餐桌上铺上深色的餐布等等,这些装饰元素都在营造文学名着的主题。一味地体现古文化,将会略显沉闷,设计师又采用现代的装饰材料协调搭配:天然的石材与具现代感的金属材料、自然的墙面纹理与精致的艺术玻璃、原木的雕刻与现代的水晶珠帘等等。整个设计在体现古代文化的同时,又具有时代风格。
5, according to the theme of literature and art of the restaurant design, according to the survey of space design company, now more and more food and beverage operators to realize the high quality, high level of cultural heritage is the foundation of the enterprise. Therefore, the catering industry has gradually established a "cultural Hing shop" business philosophy. As many restaurants, hotel in the name of a blueprint for the layout of a lot of literature of a background decoration. The hall is based on the old color, the ancient floor tiles, wooden tables and chairs, dining table on the dark cloth and so on, these decorative elements are in the name of the theme of literature. Simply reflect the ancient culture, will be slightly dull, designers and decoration materials by coordination of modern Collocation: natural stone and modern metal materials, natural texture and exquisite art glass walls, wood carving and modern crystal bead curtain and so on. The whole design embodies the ancient culture, but also has the style of the times.
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